Dear Artist
Dear Artist *

Dear Artist: Diaspora, Burnout, and New York City: Food as a way of survival and loving
"Is visual art still a viable career for me?”
In the middle of the pandemic, I began to reevaluate my actions toward art-making.
It's crazy now, and I haven't really established a strong foundation myself here. What do I do when I'm not compelled to do art as I used to make them before? Why am I still here when a lot of people are fleeing from here?

Dear Artist: Mastering the Art of Nesting + Making Peace with Your Physical Environment
My definition of Nesting:
Nesting is an act of not only creating and building an intentional physical space for yourself, but also for possibilities of creativity and positivity in the said space.
An act that will result in having a space that allows stimulating creative thinking and activities.

Dear Artist: How to Get into The Flow State So You Can Get More Out of Life
Today, I want to talk about every day.
Sounds redundant. But yes, I want to explore and discuss why every day is important and how the things we do regularly affect us (at least in my own experience and self-awareness), and How can we quickly go into a flow state to help us have better days.
Dear Artist: 3 notes for Refocusing Your Art Practice in 2021 + GUIDESHEETS
2021 is will not be total "TABULA RASA" (a clean slate) - since 2020 has left remnants and changes that will be changing humanity as we know it.
With the new year comes a chance to press the "reset" button mentally and to review the year that has passed.
2020 has been a mix of extreme ups and downs, and I would like to believe collectively for the whole world. What mattered truly was to survive the darkest days that we didn't know was coming for us.